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Finsilva and Pohjan Voima deepen their collaboration

The goal is to increase renewable energy production on land owned by Finsilva. The collaboration will open up new opportunities for wind farms and solar parks as well as battery storage facilities.

Finnish energy company, Pohjan Voima, and Finland’s fourth largest landowner, Finsilva, will begin to deepen their existing collaboration. The goal is to find areas from Finsilva’s real estate portfolio that are suitable for wind farms, solar parks and battery projects, and to begin to develop them together. The first five project areas have already been identified and the collaboration will begin with them.

Renewable energy and its related business operations are one of the foundations of Finsilva’s strategy.

“Sustainability and biodiversity are at the center of our operations. We have been following Pohjan Voima’s operations closely for some time. They develop projects carefully and with a long-term perspective. That’s why deepening our collaboration with them feels like a natural next step”, says CEO of Finsilva, Juha Hakkarainen.

Three of Pohjan Voima’s current wind farm projects are located partially on land owned by Finsilva in Karstula, Keuruu and Parkano. The five newly identified project areas are all in the preliminary planning phase, and the areas have the preconditions for an estimated 500 megawatts in wind and solar energy production.

Once the projects reach the investment phase, Finsilva and its owners will have the opportunity to make minority investments in the projects developed within the co-operation framework. Finsilva is owned by funds managed by the Finnish fund manager Dasos Capital and mutual pension insurance company Ilmarinen. The co-operation provides Finnish investors with the opportunity to invest in renewable energy produced in Finland.

For Pohjan Voima, close collaboration with a large forest owner is important.

“This partnership opens up for us a new collaborative model with Finsilva in both project development and investment phases. Collaboration will begin with the five already identified project areas, and I believe that in the future we will find more areas suitable for wind and solar energy”, says founder and CFO at Pohjan Voima, Juho Rönni.

“Reconciling the interests of nature, local residents and economic progress in a sustainable and long-term way is deeply rooted in the way both companies think.”

Finsilva is one of the largest private forest owners in Europe. It owns approximately 130 000 hectares of forest in Southern and Central Finland. Pohjan Voima develops renewable energy projects throughout Finland. These include wind farms, solar parks, battery storage facilities as well as hybrid projects.

More information:

Juha Hakkarainen
CEO, Finsilva
+358 40 087 0867

Juho Rönni
Founder and CFO, Pohjan Voima
+358 40 824 8780

Pohjan Voima

Pohjan Voima is a Finnish energy company whose owners include the Swedish stock listed company Arise and LähiTapiola. Pohjan Voima’s goal is to build the projects it develops and operate electricity production thereafter. In addition to wind power, the company plans and realizes solar energy projects and energy storage facilities. Pohjan Voima builds affordable and reliable energy while respecting local communities and nature.


The Finnish company Finsilva plc specialises in the responsible and diverse utilisation of forest and natural capital. The company provides economic, social, and ecological wellbeing by developing sustainable forestry and creating profitable business from renewable energy and environmental compensation. Finsilva owns roughly 130,000 hectares of well-managed forest, most of which is located in Southern and Central Finland. Finsilva is one of the leading private and independent forest owners in Europe.